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a blog

it's more than social media
When embarking on social media, for your business or to build your brand, more often than not, the service you are provided is a content pla

What you need to know about logos...
I've seen it, we have all wanted logos that look like the latest trend, of course, we do, that's human nature. BUT THAT'S WRONG! When...

Use a bad review for your own benefit
"But what if I get a bad review?" I hear this from so many clients. Of course my first thought is, you shouldn't be getting too many bad...

Advertising budget, cut or spend?
When should you spend money on marketing efforts? This is probably one question that business owners struggle with. When budgets are cut,...

Google ads... are they right for you?
What are Google Ads anyway? Are Google ads right for your business?

How much does a logo cost?
I have been asked numerous times "How much does a logo cost?" Normally I reply with an analogy about how you don't know how much a...

What does a brand mean?
How important is a brand? I was asked recently "how important is a brand". My initial thought was > this call is going to take more than...

Sure, but boring is ... boring
If you always do something the same way, because thats the way its always been done... guess what, progress is not made. We would still...

Get back to play... with paper.
All great design comes from what is not originally on the computer.
Logo design, graphic design, play
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