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it's more than social media
When embarking on social media, for your business or to build your brand, more often than not, the service you are provided is a content pla

Make my logo bigger
It's the old complaint that many graphic designers joke about. The client asking 'can you make my logo bigger?' Of course we can make...

What you need to know about logos...
I've seen it, we have all wanted logos that look like the latest trend, of course, we do, that's human nature. BUT THAT'S WRONG! When...

Bending Your Brand
Life does not always work out, things change and progress happens. Once upon a time, you created a singular logo and you pumped it on...

How much does a logo cost?
I have been asked numerous times "How much does a logo cost?" Normally I reply with an analogy about how you don't know how much a...

What does a brand mean?
How important is a brand? I was asked recently "how important is a brand". My initial thought was > this call is going to take more than...

Get back to play... with paper.
All great design comes from what is not originally on the computer.
Logo design, graphic design, play

People pleasing...
When you work for yourself you have the innate desire to make everyone happy... Thats a good thing, a very good thing in fact. You find...

Raising your prices: Why, When, How
When should you raise your prices, how should you do it... how can you raise your prices while not losing too many customers.

5 Tips to satisfying an unhappy customer
Who has ever had an unhappy customer? Until recently, I never really gave thought to an unhappy customer because I have always worked so...
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